Tag: Samsung

  • Samsung Smart TV akan hadirkan dukungan iTunes Movies & TV Shows serta AirPlay 2

    Menjadi yang pertama, Samsung umumkan bahwa smart TV barunya akan mulai mendukung aplikasi iTunes Movies & TV Shows serta teknologi AirPlay 2. Untuk smart TV Samsung yang dirilis pada tahun 2018, dukungan tersebut akan ditambahkan melalui update firmware yang tersedia. Aplikasi iTunes Movies & TV Shows akan hadir di 100 negara dan untuk dukungan AirPlay […]

  • WSJ: Baterai menjadi masalah utama meledaknya Samsung Galaxy Note 7

    Dari Wall Street Journal: After erecting labs with over 700 R&D staff to test 200,000 phones and over 30,000 batteries, Samsung has concluded that neither its hardware (including the screen and wireless charging unit) nor software was to blame. Instead, Samsung says the battery, created by two different suppliers who made them differently, had issues. […]

  • Replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone catches fire on Southwest plane

    Dari The Verge: Green said that he had powered down the phone as requested by the flight crew and put it in his pocket when it began smoking. He dropped it on the floor of the plane and a “thick grey-green angry smoke” was pouring out of the device. Green’s colleague went back onto the […]

  • Dibalik ‘meledak’-nya Galaxy Note 7 di pasaran

    Dari sebuah laporan di Bloomberg oleh Yoolim Lee and Min Jeong Lee: Earlier this year, managers at the South Korean company began hearing the next iPhone wouldn’t have any eye-popping innovations. The device would look just like the previous two models too. It sounded like a potential opening for Samsung to leap ahead. So the […]

  • iPhone 6s Plus vs Galaxy Note 7, mana yang lebih cepat?

    Seperti biasa, PhoneBuff baru saja merilis sebuah video adu kecepatan antar smartphone terbaru milik Samsung, Galaxy Note 7 dan iPhone 6s Plus yang sudah hampir satu tahun dirilis. Hasilnya? iPhone masih jauh lebih cepat dalam mengeksekusi serta menjalankan aplikasi maupun games. Sedikit perbandingan spesifikasi, Galaxy Note 7 mengemas RAM 4 GB dan Octa-core prosesor sementara […]