Tag: AirPods

  • 98% pengguna puas dengan Airpods

    Ben Banjarin merilis survei kepuasan pengguna terhadap produk terbaru dari Apple, AirPods. Dari 942 responden survei, 98% persen diantaranya merasa puas dengan AirPods seperti yang dikutip dari laman Techpinions.com: The big story is customer satisfaction with AirPods is extremely high. 98% of AirPod owners said they were very satisfied or satisfied. Remarkably, 82% said they […]

  • Apple keluarkan 4 iklan baru tentang AirPods

    Apple, dalam kanal Youtube-nya baru saja merilis 4 iklan baru untuk AirPods. Dalam iklannya tersebut, Apple bercerita tentang kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh AirPods mulai dari kemudahan proses pairing ke iPhone hingga bagaimana AirPods tidak mudah jatuh ketika dikenakan. Berikut iklan-iklan terbaru Apple tersebut:

  • Sebuah cerita tentang AirPods

    Casey Liss: I happened to wake up at around 11:30, and at that point figured I may as well stay up to see the ball drop. I quietly grabbed my phone, started my Slingbox and tuned it to ABC. When the time came for the ball to drop, I wanted Erin and I to share […]

  • AirPods Teardown by iFixit

    AirPods sudah dapat dipesan dan seperti biasa, iFixit telah membongkarnya. AirPods mendapat skor 0 untuk repairability. Which means if you broke one, just buy another one.

  • Buy AirPods – Apple

    AirPods kini sudah tersedia untuk dipesan. Namun karena terbatasnya persediaan, pengiriman menjadi 4 minggu ke depan alias baru diterima pada awal 2017.

  • Apple tunda kehadiran AirPods

    Matthew Panzarino via TechCrunch: “The early response to AirPods has been incredible. We don’t believe in shipping a product before it’s ready, and we need a little more time before AirPods are ready for our customers,” an Apple spokesperson told TechCrunch. Apple did not say whether hardware or software updates are what is at the heart of […]