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Hapus data yang tersimpan di Touch Bar

Setidaknya ada 7 langkah yang direkomendasikan oleh Apple sebelum kamu menjual atau mengalihkan kepemilikan Mac kepada orang lain. Termasuk membersihkan data Touch Bar yang tersimpan di MacBook Pro. Dari laman support Apple:

You can clear any information stored by the Touch Bar before you sell or give away your MacBook Pro.

First, start up from macOS Recovery: Hold down Command-R on your keyboard immediately after pressing the power button to turn on your Mac, or immediately after your Mac begins to restart.

When the macOS Utilities window appears, choose Utilities > Terminal in the menu bar. Type this command in Terminal:
xartutil --erase-all

Press Return, type yes when asked if you’re sure, and then press Return again. Finally, choose Terminal > Quit Terminal and proceed to the next step.

Bookmarked. Just in case.

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