98% pengguna puas dengan Airpods

Ben Banjarin merilis survei kepuasan pengguna terhadap produk terbaru dari Apple, AirPods. Dari 942 responden survei, 98% persen diantaranya merasa puas dengan AirPods seperti yang dikutip dari laman Techpinions.com:

The big story is customer satisfaction with AirPods is extremely high. 98% of AirPod owners said they were very satisfied or satisfied. Remarkably, 82% said they were very satisfied. The overall customer satisfaction level of 98% sets the record for the highest level of satisfaction for a new product from Apple. When the iPhone came out in 2007, it held a 92% customer satisfaction level, iPad in 2010 had 92%, and Apple Watch in 2015 had 97%.

Tak hanya merilis survei kepuasan pelanggan, Techpinions juga mengungkap Net Promoter Score yang berkaitan tentang seberapa besar seseorang akan merekomendasikan produk tersebut kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya. Hasilnya, AirPods mencetak angka 75.

We used a standard benchmark question called a Net Promoter Score, which ranks a consumer’s willingness to recommend the product to others. This ranking is on a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being extremely likely to recommend and 0 being not likely at all to recommend. It was this number that surprised me. Apple’s Net Promoter Score for AirPods came back as 75. To put that into context, the iPhone’s NPS number is 72. Product and NPS specialists will tell you anything above 50 is excellent and anything above 70 is world class. According to Survey Monkey’s Global Benchmark of over 105,000 organizations who have tested their NPS, the average is an NPS of 39.


Saya memesan AirPods beberapa minggu yang lalu. Karena permintaan yang tinggi, Apple menjanjikan 6 minggu untuk AirPods tersedia. Dengan kepuasan pelanggan yang begitu tinggi, tak kaget bila pemesan AirPods pun cukup banyak dan Apple sedang berusaha memenuhi demand tersebut. As soon as I receive the AirPods, I’ll put the review here!






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