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Wawancara Fast Company dengan Bob Messerschmidt tentang pengalamannya selama 3 tahun bekerja di Apple

Mark Sullivan merilis wawancara dengan Bob Messerschmidt, salah seorang yang termasuk dalam tim pengembangan Apple Watch. Bob mengungkapkan tentang apa yang dipelajarinya selama 3 tahun bekerja di Apple. Beberapa kutipan menarik selama wawancara:

At Apple I learned that design and user experience is everything when it comes to consumer products. It’s not so much the technology. It’s the design of the product that creates that sense of happiness in the user.

If you look at products like the iPhone or the iPad there aren’t too many totally new technologies included in those products. The real elegance and differentiation doesn’t have a lot to do with the technology idea itself; it’s about the packaging and the value add it gives to people. Those big (new technology) ideas generally happen elsewhere, and they happen earlier.


That was really the beauty of SJ [Steve Jobs]; it was the ability to say no, unless it was absolutely a blow-the-doors-off, knock-your-socks off product. That’s one of the things I learned: Say no until it’s just right.

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