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Instagram hadirkan dua fitur baru

Instagram umumkan dua fitur baru. Pertama adalah Live Videos pada Instagram Stories dan yang kedua adalah fitur pengiriman foto atau video lewat Instagram Direct yang dapat hilang secara otomatis setelah sang penerima membukanya. Dari blog Instagram:

Live video on Instagram Stories helps you connect with your friends and followers right now. When you’re done, your live story disappears from the app so you can feel more comfortable sharing anything, anytime.


Swipe right into the camera to take a photo or video, then tap the arrow to send it privately. You can choose a group or create one in just a few taps — and you can also send to individual friends at the same time. Send anything you want, from inside jokes to your worst selfies. Unlike other messages in Direct, these photos and videos disappear from your friends’ inboxes after they have seen them. And you’ll see if they replayed it or took a screenshot.

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