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Apple tarik aplikasi ProTube dari App Store

ProTube, aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk menikmati video di Youtube ditarik dari App Store. Hal ini menyusul adanya komplain dari Google terhadap aplikasi tersebut yang dianggapnya melanggar Terms of Service. Dengan penarikan otomatis tidak akan ada lagi update yang dirilis. Pengguna yang sudah pernah membeli sebelumnya tetap bisa mengunduh kembali lewat bagian Purchase di App Store. Berikut pernyataan sang developer terkait penarikan aplikasinya dari App Store:

I am very sad to announce that ProTube was removed from the App Store by Apple on September 1, 2017. This comes after multiple requests and threats by YouTube which ultimately led Apple to suddenly pulling the app from the App Store. ProTube and many other 3rd party YouTube apps on the App Store have been targeted by YouTube with takedown requests.

YouTube first requested Apple to remove my app well over a year ago, initially just stating that my app violates their Terms of Service. This was a generic takedown request they sent to many YouTube apps at once. They later started going into more detail, even stating that I could not sell the app as that alone violates their ToS. They basically wanted me to remove every feature that made ProTube what it is – that includes the player itself that allows you to play 60fps videos, background playback, audio only mode and more. Without those features ProTube would not be any better than YouTube’s own app, and that is exactly what they want to achieve. YouTube wants to sell its $10/month subscription service which offers many features that ProTube also offered for a lower one time price, so they started hunting down 3rd party YouTube apps on the App Store.


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